
The Old Harbour Museum undertakes to conserve and protect the heritage of the Greater Hermanus, to establish an awareness of this and interpret it to the broader community and visitors to the area.


The Old Harbour Museum aims to create an awareness in all people that have contact with or about us about the wonder and uniqueness of all life, to be encouraged, educated and have respect for all life, for what has been achieved before and for all future potential.

To conserve the heritage of the Greater Hermanus and surroundings by collections, exhibitions, conservation and education.


To collect artefacts and information relevant to the heritage of the communities of the Greater Hermanus and surrounding areas.
To conserve these, exhibit these where possible and making all information available to the public.
To increase interactive relevant exhibitions in the museum. To promote the museum as a fun but relevant education tool.
To make the premises, information and artefacts available to researchers.
To increase staff training and relevant educational upliftment programmes.
To introduce relevant upliftment programmes in all the local communities especially the previously disadvantaged communities.
To document, conserve, store or exhibit artefacts according to professional standards.
To expand the collection with artefacts pertaining to the museums policy.
To do preventative conservation on a regular basis.
To assure that the museum is children friendly in all its exhibitions.
To retain a high standard pertaining to the above.