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The content of the Genadendal Museum was declared a National Cultural Treasure on 8 March 1991. Most of the collections on display has been produced and used at the mission station. Genadendal, one of the oldest mission stations in South Africa, was one of the most progressive communities at the Cape during the 19th century. The Moravian Missionaries and members of the congregation, apart from fulfilling their religious duties, carried out  pioneering work in the fields of education, music, printing, vernacular architecture, furniture making and other local industries.


Heritage Month Campaign

Enige navrae kan gerig word aan die personeel van die Skeepswrakmuseum Bredasdorp.
Any enquiries can be referred to the staff at the Shipwreck Musem Bredasdorp.
☎️ 028 424 1240
☎️ 028 424 1244
📧 swm@jebomail.co.za

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